How to lose weight fast with real estate

This is not a joke. I actually lost 9 kg in 6 month working on my first real estate project. Here is how you can lose weight with real estate.

It´s a few years ago now, but still a really nice time to remember – my first real estate project. First, I was actually not to keen on it. It was a massively big 3-storey house in an overgrown garden. The property needed renovation works throughout. A real bargain of course, so we had to have it.

With 64 kg I was not really fat, just a bit roundish maybe.

To be honest I was not really aiming to lose weight.

Somehow it just happened during this renovation project.

Basically, we just parked our caravan beside the house and started working. We managed to get broadband connected to the caravan, so I could still have my “home office” to support ourselves financially.

Getting the hands dirty was the best

There was so much to do in this real estate project more than we could ever do. But we were so excited and full of motivation that we worked like crazy. I remember, I was really keen to make myself a nice office in the house. There was this nice cosy room in the second floor with a great view over the valley. It had to be that one. At the same time, I wanted to tidy up the garden. I believe it was this combination that triggered my great weight loss.

Every day I would run up and down the stairs

I was working in my little office like from a tower and for every little thing I had to run downstairs. Getting a snack, going to the bathroom, getting a tea, answering the door, removing some weeds in the garden… I almost didn´t noticed it. It´s quite incredible how much energy you can get with the right motivation.

After doing this for 6 month I was down to 55 kg and really happy about it. This was a really welcome side effect of our real estate project.

Of course, the project was far from being finished after those 6 months but we were able to sell it with a €10,000 profit. It´s not a lot for a 6-month work but for a first project it was perfect. We had a great time and made a lot of experiences that helped us for later ventures.

Besides to do this as a real estate business, I can really recommend this for losing weight as well.

Find your own real estate project to lose weight on

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