To maintain our real estate blog with fresh and interesting content we are happy to receive ideas from our audience. Maybe there is a real estate topic you would like us to cover. If so, please feel free to suggest a topic.
We are happy to write articles that are interesting for our readers
As we have real estate listings from all over the world there are endless questions from the buyer’s side as well as from the seller. This means there are limitless subjects to cover. Also, there might be some interesting developments on the real estate market you think our readers should know about.
If you inform us of some latest real estate news, please don’t forget to give us your source Of course, we will not publish anything where there is a chance of being fake news.
Contact us to suggest a topic
Please contact us at to suggest a topic.

A word about links
We are fans of natural links – those happen “naturally” when website owners link to your content because they think is beneficial for their audience and adds value to their websites or pages. This being said, although we like you to suggest a topic, we cannot be pressured to cover your subject or to give a backlink to your website. We will only do so if we see that it is valuable for our audience.
This is not a paid service
Please note, although we are happy to receive suggestions, we are not selling any service to write articles to promote your brand. If we write an article about a subject that you suggested we do so free of charge. Please don’t be disappointed if we cannot write about your topic. We receive many suggestions and have to choose.
Do you want to submit a guest post?
There are some fantastic, high-quality guest bloggers out there. Therefore, if you are one of them you can send us in your unique article for approval. Please see our Real Estate Guest Post Guidelines for more details.
Thank you.